Sunday, May 24, 2020

Leaders and Organizational Culture - 1191 Words

Running head: Leaders and Organizational Culture. †¢ †¢ †¢ ..; †¢ . Leaders and Organizational Culture Prepared for There are many definitions of organizational culture. The most basic definition is an organization’s shared values, attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions on how members of the organization should behave which gives meaning to how the organization functions. Organizational culture should enhance performance, internal integration, and bring all staff of all levels together. For this to happen, it is the role of management to foster this type of organizational culture. In my opinion, the basic characteristics or responsibilities of leaders help to maintain a healthy organizational culture. These characteristics†¦show more content†¦When members of the organization see this, it causes a ripple effect and thus they want to maintain the model they have seen. Continuing with this idea, integrity and consistency have the same basic principle. Mary Totten and James Orkiloff said it best in their article that integrity is about unity, wholeness, and completeness. Consistency is about establishing that connection of doing what you say, and saying what you do. If this is done in an organization, not only will staff listen and trust their leaders but vice versa. This is the key to maintaining a healthy organization. The organization I work for, Service Access Management is a human services agency that actually relies on having a healthy organizational culture, without it the organization would not survive. Because this organization relies on all members understanding the vision and the reason we work – which is mostly being able to help people live their lives despite the developmental delays they might have – it is important that members or employees work in a healthy organizational culture. It is up to the leaders of the organization to maintain this culture. Using management as the leaders of the organization, they are encouraged to motivate their staff on a daily basis and ask for staff input to improve the daily processes. Management is as ked to train their staff to the best of their ability andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Leaders And Organizational Culture995 Words   |  4 PagesLeaders and Organizational Culture In today’s dynamic business environment leadership must understand the value and importance of their organizations’ culture. While it may never be formally defined, leadership must have a vision of their intended culture and a plan for creating and maintaining it. This vision will serve as the potter’s clay that determines everything from the dress code to the organizational structure. 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Nevertheless, Organisational culture is a set of beliefs, values, and norms, together with symbols like dramatized events and personalities, which represents the unique character of an organization, and provides the context for action in it and by it (Deshpande and Webster, 1989; Ravasi and Schultz, 2006; Xiaoming andRead MoreOrganizational Analysis : Organizational Structure1521 Words   |  7 Pagesthe week titled â€Å"Experiments in Organizational Structure† I noticed two themes, self-managed teams and organizational culture. There was a clear divide of organizational culture between the companies such as Moosewood Collective and Zappos versus Amazon and Enron. The readings for the week were well-rounded and demonstrated that each culture had positive and negatives. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Using the Spanish Verb Llegar

Although llegar typically is translated as to arrive, it has a wider range of uses than does the English word and is often used figuratively. To come is also a common translation. Keep in Mind Llegar usually carries the idea of arriving at a destination, either literally or figuratively.Llegar a followed by ser or another infinitive carries the idea of arrival at a goal or situation unexpectedly or after considerable effort.In terms of pronunciation, llegar is conjugated regularly, although sometimes its spelling changes to accommodate the ending. Using Llegar for Arriving In its most common usage, llegar refers to arrival at a place. The destination is frequently preceded by the preposition a, and de can be used to indicate the origin: Por fin llegamos a Madrid. (We finally arrived at Madrid.)Cuando llego a casa hago mis tareas. (When I get home Ill do my homework.)Llegaron a Mà ©xico los cuerpos de estudiantes muertos en Ecuador. (The bodies of the students killed in Ecuador arrived in Mexico.)Llegaron de diferentes partes de Espaà ±a. (They came from different parts of Spain.)Hay miles de refugiados que llegan de à frica. (There are thousands of refugees who are arriving from Africa.) As can the English word arrive, llegar can also refer to the coming of a time: Llegà ³ la hora de la verdad. (The moment of truth is here. Literally, the time of truth came.)Ya llega la primavera. (Spring is already here. Literally, spring already arrived.) Using Llegar for Reaching a Goal Llegar can often refer to the reaching of a goal, physical or otherwise: Los tres mexicanos llegaron a la cima del Everest. (The three Mexicans reached the summit of Everest.)El museo llegà ³ a las 100.000 visitas en menos de un aà ±o. (The museum reached 100,000 visits in less than a year.)Microsoft y Marvel llegaron a un acuerdo para distribuir los videojuegos. (Microsoft and Marvel reached an agreement for distributing video games.)No puedo llegar a fin de mes. (I cant make it to the end of the month.) The phrase llegar a ser typically suggests a long or difficult period of change to become something: Nunca lleguà © a ser doctor. (I never became a doctor.)Diez de estas tribus llegaron a ser la Europa moderna. (Ten of these tribes became modern Europe.) ¿Cà ³mo fue que los computadores llegaron a ser parte de nuestra sociedad? (How was it that computers came to be a part of our society?) Llegar With Infinitives When llegar a is followed by an infinitive, it is often the equivalent of the English to come to. It often carries the connotation that the activity is extreme, unusual, or unexpected. Note how a variety of translations can be used: Algunos seguidores del candidato llegaron a llorar mientras escuchaban a su là ­der. (Some of the candidates followers even cried while listening to their leader.)Los Leones nunca llegaron a ganar un campeonato. (The Lions never came to win a championship.)Llegà ³ a decirme que mi pequeà ±a era mocosa. (He went so far as to tell me that my little one was a brat.)Lleguà © a comprender lo que querà ­a decir. (I even came to understand what he wanted to say.) Idioms Using Llegar Llegar is used in a variety of idioms and set phrases. Here are some examples: La secuela no llega a la suela del zapato al original. (The sequel doesnt hold a candle to the original.)Las negociaciones entre el equipo y Gustavo Torres llegaron a buen puerto. (The negotiations between the team and Gustavo Torres reached a satisfactory conclusion.)La empresa que no construya confianza no llegarà ¡ lejos. (The business that doesnt build confidence wont get far.)El cantante llegà ³ y besà ³ el santo con su cancià ³n Silencio. (The singer had success on his first try with his song Silencio.)Afortunadamente no llegà ³ la sangre al rà ­o, gracias a la rà ¡pida reaccià ³n de mis amigos. (Fortunately, there were no serious consequences, thanks to the quick reaction of my friends.)Despuà ©s de insultarse, llegaron a las manos. (After insulting each other, they came to blows.) Conjugating Llegar Llegar is conjugated regularly in terms of punctuation, but not in terms of spelling. The final g needs to be changed to gu when followed by an e. This occurs in the first-person indicative preterite (lleguà ©, I arrived) and in the subjunctive and imperative moods. In this way it follows the pattern of pagar.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay Free Essays

string(88) " a mismatch between methods used to mensurate effects and the type of larning promoted\." Introduction One the many challenges confronting developing states today are fixing their societies and authoritiess for globalisation and the information and communicating revolution. Policy shapers, concern executives, NGO activists, faculty members, and ordinary citizens are progressively concerned with the demand to do their societies competitory in the emergent information economic system. Globalization and technological alteration is a procedure that has accelerated in tandem over the past 15 old ages and has created a new planetary economic system powered by engineering, fuelled by information and driven by cognition. We will write a custom essay sample on The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The outgrowth of this new planetary economic system has serious deductions for the nature and intent of educational establishments. As the half life of information continues to go and entree to information continues to turn more rapid, schools can non stay mere locales for the transmittal of a prescribed set of information from instructor to pupil over a fixed period of clip. Rather, schools must advance acquisition, in an illustration the acquisition of cognition and accomplishments that make possible uninterrupted acquisition over the life-time. Concerns over educational relevancy and quality coexist with the jussive mood of spread outing educational chances to those made most vulnerable by globalisation as an illustration, developing states in general, low-income groups, misss and adult females, and low-skilled workers in peculiar. Information and communicating engineerings which include wireless and telecasting, every bit good as newer digital engineerings such as computing machines and the Internet, have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for educational alteration and reform. When used suitably, different ICT are said to assist spread out entree to instruction, beef up the relevancy of instruction to the progressively digital workplace, and raise educational quality by, among others, assisting do instruction and larning into an engaging, active procedure connected to existent life. However, the experience of presenting different ICT in the schoolroom and other educational scenes all over the universe over the past several decennaries suggests that the full realisation of the possible educational benefits of ICT is non automatic. The effectual integrating of ICT into the educational system is a complex, multifaceted procedure that involves non merely engineering but so, given adequate initial capital, acquiring the engineering is the easiest portion but besides course of study and teaching method, institutional preparedness, instructor competences, and long-run funding, among others. Contentss ICT base for information and communicating engineerings and are defined, for the intents of this primer, as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to pass on, and to make, circulate, shop, and manage information. These engineerings include computing machines, the Internet, airing engineerings, wireless, telecasting and telephone. In recent old ages at that place has been a land crestless wave of involvement in how computing machines and the Internet can best be harnessed to better the efficiency and effectivity of instruction at all degrees and in both formal and non-formal scenes. But ICT are more than merely these engineerings, but older engineerings such as the telephone, wireless and telecasting, although now given less attending, have a longer and richer history as instructional tools. For case, wireless and telecasting have for over 40 old ages been used for unfastened and distance acquisition, although print remains the cheapest, most accessible and hence most dominant bringing mechanism in both developed and developing states. The usage of computing machines and the Internet is still in its babyhood in developing states, if these are used at all, due to limited substructure and the attendant high costs of entree. Technology alterations quickly – and so make the particular tools available for instruction. As new engineerings are introduced, it is critical that their cost and impact in assorted educational state of affairss is exhaustively examined. While grounds shows that it is the existent application of the ICT tool that is the most of import determiner of its effectivity for educational intents, the pick of tools is rather big, and each tool has its ain advantages and disadvantages. Policy shapers and giver groups are frequently bombarded with information and surveies from sellers on the suitableness of their peculiar merchandises or services. As a consequence, there is a great demand for independent research on the rightness of specific ICT tools to assist run into educational ends. Radio and Television have been supplying educational scheduling in some states for many old ages. Many related new engineerings, including orbiter broadcast medium and multi-channel acquisition, have the possible to greatly increase entree to instruction. Today, the Internet is non widely available in most underdeveloped states, but new Internet engineerings and nomadic Internet Centre ‘s clasp promise for linking instructors, scholars, and communities. Furthermore, instruction has mostly contributed to an addition in developing cognition, supplying an enabling environment for invention and in edifice human capital required for a possible hereafter cognition economic system. Global reforms in instruction and disputing ICT demands have made a singular displacement in the construction of the enabling ICT environment and the use of ICT engineerings in instruction. Such engineerings have become the cardinal driver of the digital web in an epoch of technology-driven instruction. More schools and communities now have entree to ICT resources to fall in the planetary economic system with knowledge workers who have twenty-first century accomplishments and are inspired by life-long acquisition. ICT have great possible for cognition airing, effectual acquisition and the development of more efficient instruction services. Much attempt has been made towards the promotion of instruction and multi-literacies. However, it is by and large believed t hat ICT can authorise instructors and scholars, doing important parts to larning and accomplishment. Current research on the impacts of ICT on pupil accomplishment outputs few conclusive statements, pro or con, about the usage of ICTs in instruction. Surveies have shown that even in the most advanced schools in industrialised states, ICT are by and large non considered cardinal to the instruction and acquisition procedure. Furthermore, there appears to be a mismatch between methods used to mensurate effects and the type of larning promoted. You read "The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" Standardized testing, for illustration, tends to mensurate the consequences of traditional instruction patterns, instead than new cognition and accomplishments related to the usage of ICT. It is clear that more research needs to be conducted to understand the complex links between ICT, acquisition, and accomplishment. Many of the issues and challenges associated with ICT in instruction enterprises are known by policy shapers, donor staff, and pedagogues. However, informations on the nature and complexness of these issues remains limited because of the deficiency of good monitoring and rating tools and procedures. Where rating informations is available much of the work is seen to endure from of import prejudices. Another job in this country is the deficiency of a common set of indexs for ICT in instruction. And, where information has been collected, it is frequently quantitative informations related to substructure, for illustration, figure of computing machines, instead than informations that can assist policy shapers gauge the impact of ICT intercessions on pupil acquisition. If ICT are to go effectual and built-in tools in instruction, and if answerability is to be demonstrated to givers and stakeholders, monitoring and rating must be a priority country of focal point. It is clear that there are equity issues related to the utilizations of ICT in instruction. There is a existent danger that uses of ICT can farther marginalise groups already excluded or on the border of educational patterns and inventions. On the other manus, with supportive policies and careful planning and monitoring, ICTs hold out the promise of easing greater inclusion of such groups. While there is much research on the impact of ICTs and marginalized groups in industrialised states, there has been limited research into these issues in developing states. There seems to be small inquiring, nevertheless, that ICTs by and large give penchant to schools and scholars in urban countries and in countries where bing substructure is the best. Research related to equity and ICT to day of the month has focused chiefly on entree to peculiar engineerings. Much less attending has been given to how specific types and utilizations of ICTs are related to equity issues. Besides than that, about the true costs of ICT in instruction, there have been few strict costs surveies, peculiarly in developing states. Given current budgetary and resource restraints, a widespread investing in ICT in instruction is likely non possible in most underdeveloped states. It is, hence, critically of import to better understand the costs and benefits associated with ICT types and utilizations in assorted educational state of affairss in order to efficaciously aim scarce resources. There is some grounds, for case, that computing machines may be most cost-efficient when placed in common countries such as libraries and teacher-training institutes. One of the most cost effectual utilizations of ICT in instruction may be their function in bettering organisational and systemic efficiencies, including battling corruptness. Distance instruction is frequently cited as a cost economy investing. Indeed, economic sciences of graduated table are accomplishable in distance instruction , although such plans typically require big up-front investings. Some of these costs may be shifted from the populace sector to the single users, but this in itself raises important equity and entree issues. Again, a thorough scrutiny of the true costs and benefits of distance instruction is required. Financing mechanisms for ICT in instruction enterprises are rather varied. Due to the high up-front costs and big recurrent costs, states and communities typically employ a great assortment of funding and cost recovery mechanisms. Public private partnerships and user fees are of import constituents of funding ICTs in instruction in many states, although more research is needed to find the impact and effectivity of these mechanisms. Even the usage of ICT in the schoolroom or in distance instruction does non decrease the function of the instructor ; neither does it automatically change learning patterns. Experience has shown that a assortment of support and enabling mechanisms must be implemented to optimise instructor usage of ICT. While traditional instructor leading accomplishments and patterns are still of import, instructors must besides hold entree to relevant, seasonably, and ongoing professional development. They must hold the clip and resources to research this new cognition base and develop new accomplishments. Support of school decision makers and, in some instances, the community, is critical if ICTs are to be used efficaciously. In add-on, instructors must hold equal entree to working computing machines or other engineerings and sufficient proficient support. Accessing information is the chief usage of ICTs in instruction. While ICT, and the Internet in peculiar, supply entree to a universe of educat ional resources, those resources are seldom in a format that makes them easy accessible and relevant to most instructors and scholars in developing states. Simply importing educational content through ICT is fraught with troubles, every bit good as inquiries of relevancy to local demands. Experience shows that unless electronic educational resources are straight related to the course of study, and to the appraisal methods used to measure educational results, ICT intercessions may non hold positive educational impacts. Furthermore, ICT can be of import drivers for educational reform. They can assist in anti-corruption attempts, assistance in decentalisation, and play a cardinal function in informations aggregation and analysis. Still, there are many policy inquiries around the usage of ICTs in instruction, non the least of which revolves around which portion of the authorities is responsible for such policies. Some of the cardinal policy inquiries revolve around entree, equity, finance, and best patterns in scaling-up. As a comparatively new field, there is no standard depository for bing ICTs in education-related national policies. And, it is clear that successful policy preparation requires audience with a diverse group of stakeholders, many of which may be outside of the traditional educational system. Inventions in engineering and new merchandises are introduced in the planetary market place at a much faster gait than most educational systems are able to utilize them efficaciously. This issue o f timing is an of import one as pedagogues and policymakers operate with an oculus to longer term educational ends. The advantages and disadvantages of ICT in instruction include a scope of elements such as – †¢ Giving to teacher opportunity to be after short, timed, tightly focussed activities. †¢ Planning activities across a figure of Sessionss to let sufficient clip for all students to take parts. †¢ Up to day of the month and existent universe engineering†¦ prepares the kids for the modern universe! †¢ Helps pupils research subjects they are analyzing utilizing a broad scope of beginnings other than merely book from their school library, †¢ Aids the students to acquire an penetration into engineerings that they may subsequently trust on in future life. †¢ Using word paperss it gives the students a opportunity to show their work in a manner that suits them. †¢ Word and printing paperss available for show work intents. There is besides a high advantage of ICT equipment helping students with larning troubles. By snaping on the word instance study the undermentioned nexus will take you to a instance survey on podcasts and the advantages of working with kids that have larning troubles and besides shown on the secondary instruction page. The undermentioned disadvantages give a list of aims that staff and facilitators may be required to cover with should jobs happen throughout utilizing the ICT equipment. †¢ Cost †¢ Training †¢ Distractions †¢ Reliability †¢ Damage †¢ Safety †¢ Choping †¢ Resources ( or deficiency of ) As you can see I have already listed disadvantages of ICT in instruction and all seem dearly-won. The initial equipment even though would be an investing and acquisition assistance is expensive. After the initial cost there is the fact of developing the staff/ facilitators to utilize the equipment right as bad use can do wrong learning to students. Besides coming under cost is damage, as, if the equipment gets amendss so the harm fix fees are required to acquire the equipment back up and running. Distractions such as the cyberspace, computing machine games and electronic mail are besides a large disadvantage. Then we come onto safety and hacking that is discussed on the safety page. Decision In decisions, the modern coevals schoolchildren are turning up in an environment where information and communicating engineerings are embracing about all country of their lives. It is the duty of authorities to fix pupils with the accomplishments and cognition they will necessitate to take control of their digital hereafters. Therefore, it is of topmost importance for instructors to incorporate ICT into the course of study. This essay will discourse the great benefits ICT have on kid acquisition and besides explore the current way in which instructors can incorporate ICTs into the schoolroom. Using ICTs in instruction develops the needful skills a kid needs to utilize computing machines and other engineerings. However, ICT provide a instruction scheme that engages the scholar. ICT can make an exciting manner to show information to pupils and due to the fact that ICTs engages the scholar it allows the pupil to larn more. Another great positive of utilizing ICTs in primary schooling is that it addresses the fact that each pupil has different larning abilities. ICT allows pupils to stand out in their country of A‘intelligence, for illustration a kid who has spacial intelligence but has trouble in written look can demo their acquisition procedure through sound and images. The usage of ICT is besides good to a kid ‘s acquisition because it covers the four cardinal learning countries which are active battle, group, interaction and connexion with the existent universe. As I mentioned earlier ICTs prosecute the scholar, nevertheless, they can besides affect extended g roup work and interaction with both pupils and ICT equipment. ICTs play a cardinal usage in society ; hence, they give kids a existent universe connexion. This besides gives pupils aim in scholar because they are utilizing engineerings that they will necessitate to. How to cite The Information And Communication Revolution Education Essay, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Teaching and Learning in 21st Century and Techniques

Question: Discuss about the Teaching and Learning in 21st Century and Techniques. Answer: Introduction The teaching and learning has changes significantly in the 21st century as the society and the context of education has changed. This change was necessary as the previous teaching and learning processes were inadequate for preparing the students for their future life as valuable members of society that requires them to possess the ability to function competently in the changing scene of the society(Scherer, 2010). Therefore, the need for new teaching and learning process birthed the new techniques that were necessary for the education system to function properly. The main change in the process is that previously the teaching was about contemporary knowledge and past knowledge of the basic principles of the world and the society but the new process concentrates on the building an understanding of the learning process that helps them cope with constant change in the social norms that dictate the action s of individuals. The teaching and learning concentrates on the question how to lear n? so the students are aware of changes in the society and can adjust their learning to suit their new needs. Any change that comes to society or their professional life they are able to learn new things to cope with them in the new process. 21st century learning The availability of information is high in the world in the 21st century so the memorization of certain information or fact is not necessary in the current education system.Therefore, the process of learning and the understanding of the process are much more important in thenew model of education. The role of the teacher has also changed in the same context, as the teachers were providers of information and experience who taught the students with information he himself learned or experienced firsthand(Robertson Smith, 1999). However, with the advent of the new century the focus of the study changed the students were encouraged to think for themselves and to experience the situations that might be faced by them in future in a theoretical context. Therefore, the students of the 21st century are taught on how to gather information, disseminate and analyse them. The focus is given on the ability of the student to think critically and find the points that were overlooked. It is quite com mon for the students to face new situations and experiences in their adult professional or personal life.The new learning and teaching prepares them for the situation by making sure that they are able to think for themselves and generate a solution to their problem(Rhoton Shane, 2006). The previous education system that focused on the experiences of others, as examples to create solutions would not have been useful in the case where new problem might not be similar to any faced before. Thedecision-making based on the facts is the possible need of the population. The point of education is to make sure that the educated are able to function in the society properly so the education system in the 21st century is focused on the self-learning from own experience(MarzanoHeflebower, 2012). The changing dynamics of the society is generating so many problems that without the ability to learn continuously, a person cannot function properly. Key factors driving change The change in the learning and teaching process is driven by the needs of the people in a constantly evolving society so the different factors that are forcing the education system to evolve are the main reasons of the changes in the society also. The three key factors are given below. Globalization Globalization is one of the main reasons of the changes in the education system. For this reason the members and future members of society will be unable to cope with the different culture, customs and standards of education in future unless the education system changes(Lent, 2012). Therefore, to prepare them for the scenario where the standard basic knowledge on how the world functions are given to the students in the new education system. It is impossible to teach a student to make decisions in an unfamiliar situation with unfamiliar standards based on theoretical examples alone. The ability to judge the situation and the best course of action, is necessary to be implemented in the education system ("Learning and teaching", 2005).Globalization has brought severe change in the society that made the change in the teaching and learning necessary. The different values of the different cultures round the world are unique and different so the education needed to suited to the global scen e and not only the own local culture and values. The change in the teaching and learning is based on the adaptability of the student and their need to adapt to the best of the global standards and assimilate the values that are suited for their particular culture(Herteis, 2010). To be able to do that the students needed to have their critical thinking ability promoted. The critical thinking was included in the 21st century teaching process to ensure that the students could function in unfamiliar situations based on their learning capabilities that are stimulated by the new system. Social change The social change is another reason for the development of the new teaching and learning. The society has changed significantly in the past century as the social position has become more fluid and skill in a particular craft gained more value than the social standing of the person. Therefore, the promotion of skill in the education system has become a priority in the new system. This has become the norm because of the availability of the knowledge is higher in the current world and the knowledge of various skills and crafts are available for everyone whereas the knowledge in the previous system was jealously guarded and only passed on through apprenticeship(HawisherSelfe, 1999). The availability of the knowledge has made the teaching profession a valid profession that can economically support a person. The availability of the knowledge also made the process more common and in many cases, the basic knowledge that is needed for a person to perform in the society is mandatory. The basic knowledge is made available for all because it is unclear who has the necessary skill for which profession(Hagger McIntyre, 2006). It cannot be decided what specific knowledge a person might need in future so the education system needed to be more general which can be applied to any discipline in any culture. The social standard for education is changing as the literacy is being increasingly needed in our day to day operations.The people working manually require at least some basic education to understand their instructions and processes. Therefore, the learning is not being limited to few as it was and the social standards dictate that all have some basic knowledge and change in the society has become another driver behind the change in teaching and learning. Technology The advent of modern technology in all parts of the society and all professions also made the change in the teaching and learning necessary. In todays world the technology is used in all of the professions in all scenarios so the computer literacy has become a normal demand for one to function properly function in the world(Griffin, McGaw, Care, 2012).The different technology is also important in as it makes many new techniques of making the knowledge available to many people possible. The use of visual images and videos to illustrate is another example of the use of technology that is changing the field of education in the modern world. The same can be said for the internet where information on almost any topic can be found. Therefore, the learning process differed from the previous ones by the use of the different information sources. The technology made is unnecessary to impart information, as it is readily available. The process of teaching mainly focuses on how to learn by usin g the different sources. The knowledge of using the information is the focus of the new learning process of 21st century(Graves, Juel, Graves, 2001). The use of information sources is taught along with how to assimilate the necessary information and to critically review the information. The technology has made video conferencing and other communication methods easy so the learning is not always face to face and instruction can be given over any communication to the learner so the physical boundary of the teaching process has grown. Change in curriculum and pedagogy The curriculum and the pedagogy have changed significantly over the years and the new progressive education style has changed in the modern times to ensure that the teaching and learning is suitable for the current times(Fry, Ketteridge, Marshall, 2003). Previously schooling was thought to be the preparation stage for life but the new thinking promotes that the schooling is a part of life that teaches us about how we live our lives. The role of the teachers was previously known as the providers of information where the students were passive absorbers of knowledge that was to be used by them later in their life. However, in the 21st century the information is available for all so the role of teachers has become similar to facilitators where they teach the student how to use the information. The teachers promote the thinking ability of the students but the work is done by the students so the students in the new process is that of active participants (Eakin, 2015). The previous school of thought excluded the parents and the community from the teaching process but the new system included them as an extension of classroom as the people learn a lot about life from parents and the communities. The use of the test results to determine the capability of the student was the old method but the new one focus on the mission and goal of the students and their effort and approach is given more value than the result. The skills that are to be achieved by the students are judged as goals but the modern thinking marks the skills as a related tool for achieving a goal(Denemark, 2011). The success of a student in the old method is based on the correct answer that mostly determines the accumulation and recall of information. In the 21st century pedagogy the application of the skills are given preference when applied in a practical setting. The old curriculum is based on the capability of the student and their skill in one topic but the new curriculum gives more value to the proces s where the application of knowledge solves a real life problem. Therefore, the basic difference in the two systems is in the objectivity and purpose that are more suited to real life in the new method. Importance of the change in education The previous approach to education is based on the time where knowledge was not readily available but that is not the case in the current century(Bybee, 2010). The students obtained information from the teachers in previous centuries but they take a more active role in the current education system. Currently knowledge is available in many forms but the use of the knowledge has to be taught by the education system. The job of the teachers is to facilitate the learning of the students so that in future they can assimilate the information and use it in practical setting(Burgan, 1996). Therefore, the change in the education system is preceded by the change in the life of the people that made the change in the education necessary. The change focuses on the practical use of the knowledge rather than the collection of information so the practice of learning is made more interesting and more effectual in the new method. Conclusion It is clear from the essay that the teaching and learning has made significant impact on the society by its change of approach. The change was facilitated by different factors that made the ineffectiveness and the shortcomings of the previous methods apparent. The new method is more suited to the current situation in the world and better suited to prepare the next generation for the changes that have come and might come in the future(Biggs Tang, 2011).The change made the activity of learning a part of life. This makes the student understand that the use of knowledge and practical implementation is not separated from the theoretical aspect like in the previous teaching method implied. References Biggs, J. Tang, C. (2011).Teaching for quality learning at university. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Society for Research into Higher Education/Open University Press. Burgan, M. (1996). Teaching thesubject: Developmental identities in teaching.New Directions For Teaching And Learning,1996(66), 15-23. Bybee, R. (2010).The teaching of science. Arlington, Va.: National Science Teachers Association. Denemark, R. (2011). 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